From the Publisher July 2021


Dear Readers,

How ‘bout that serene scene on the cover? Greater Flint citizens are embracing the chance to get a new view of the city from the river with Kayak Flint – a nonprofit project of the Flint Watershed Coalition created to protect, promote and improve the river and its watershed. What a great recreational opportunity!

Creating opportunities for teens to talk about their challenges in a safe space is 181 Movement, a faith-based group founded in February. Read about their proactive approach to helping the community – and the current goal you can help them reach.

Team My City enjoys any opportunity to feature our furry friends and the people in Greater Flint who dedicate their time and resources to helping find loving homes for animals. Based in Flint Township, Purrsuit of Happyness cat rescue is a small-but-mighty nonprofit organization on a mission.

When it comes to our “My Arts” category, it’s rarely a challenge to find someone with both talent and an interesting story. This month, we highlight local attorney and glass artist Suellen J. Parker, owner of Case Island Glass. I admire someone who succeeds at their profession AND follows their passion. We also have an update on the latest murals that have been painted around Flint by the super-creative people participating in the Flint Public Art Project. There are more than 150 to date! We’re always happy to contribute free press to the many organizations that are working to make Flint a better, more beautiful place. That’s what MCM is all about!

Also generating excitement is the Flint Fury semi-pro football team. They’ve been around a while, and the head coach (Charles Lawler) is fully vested in both his players and the city. This season’s player mix has re-energized the program – I plan to catch a game this summer!

There’s much more in this issue – music, history, food and another great bunch of columns by our contributing writers. Finally, nominations for our annual Wellness Awards open on August 1 … visit

Thanks for reading.


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