The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world for all of us. While area residents obeyed our governor’s order and did their part to stop the spread of the disease by staying home, medical professionals worked day and night, putting themselves and their families at risk, caring for the stricken. To them, COVID-19 was a very tangible and deadly enemy. Local doctors, nurses, EMTs, hospital administration and staff valiantly dealt with supply shortages, fearful patients and their families, fatigue, fear and uncertainty. In doing so, they saved lives. The medical personnel of Greater Flint are heroes. ALL of them.
On the following pages, we shine a light on the medical professionals nominated by our readers for going above and beyond during the health crisis, and are happy to share photos of many who also deserve recognition.
To ALL those fighting battles on the front lines, please allow Team MCM to say THANK YOU.
Elite EMS
“Elite EMS is a small company in Grand Blanc. When news of the coronavirus hit, we scrambled for personal protection equipment for our staff. We have been very serious about keeping our employees and patients safe. I never doubted the capabilities of our crews – most have been doing this job for more than 20 years. These Medics, EMTs, and Dispatchers never backed down and still continue to fight. “Brave” is one word I could use to describe these frontline workers. As their boss and co-worker, I could not be prouder.”
Kathleen Kovacs, Director of Operations
Ascension HEROES! Thank you from ASCENSION
Hurley HEROES! Thank you from Hurley
McLaren HEROES! Thank you from McLaren
My City Heroes! Thank you from My City