The Ghosts of FlintLocal Authors Chronicle the Fright of the City


Just in time for the Halloween season, local authors Roxanne Rhoads and Joe Schipani will release their book “Haunted Flint” on September 2. Are there evil spirits amongst us causing all sorts of mischief? Does the ghost of Billy Durant haunt the Carriage Factory? Is the city and the ground it sits upon, cursed? One of our earliest known settlers, the Chippewa tribe once believed the area haunted by the vengeful ghost of their once vanquished foes. Could there be truth to the story?

The book will be part of the Haunted America Series from the History Press and the authors will be around town to speak about the book and the ghosts that haunt the city. On September 6, see them locally at Totem Books, September 14 at R & B Books in Grand Blanc and October 12 at Good Beans Café and the Flint Mural Fest.

Have you seen a ghost? What are your favorite haunted Flint stories or legends?


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