Dear Readers,
I’m writing this from my home office in Florida, where I’ve been doing business for a few days. My daughter recently relocated to the Sunshine State and as lovely as the year-round green can be, she definitely misses all the great things about fall. I really think I’d miss the seasonal changes we enjoy in Michigan. How about you?
This issue has a definite fall feeling – my thanks to local artist Suzanne Johnson for designing the pumpkin on our cover. So much has been going on in Greater Flint and Downtown, from FIA’s annual Art on Tap fundraiser to another great Bikes on the Bricks event and many local car cruises. I always look forward to September’s season-opening concert by the Flint Symphony Orchestra. If you’ve never experienced the symphony, put it on your must-do list. I’ve said it many times: there is always something intriguing going on in Greater Flint.
Of course, several small towns make up the Greater Flint area. The subject of this month’s “Small Town Spotlight” is Davison, another community with many longstanding businesses and some hidden gems worth discovering. Check out our story about a young pumpkin farmer – this kid’s really got it going on! Our team has had fun putting these special sections together, and we’re not done yet!
I get so much feedback about the variety of our content, and that’s very rewarding to everyone at MCM. But, we owe that to the drive and creativity of people in our area and are continuously inspired and honored to share their stories with you. Don’t miss Jessica Pressley Sinnott’s history feature, “The Rise and Fall of the Hamady Empire”. Fascinating. To this day, I still call any brown paper grocery bag a “Hamady sack” (who doesn’t?) On the other end of the spectrum is J.P. Ribner’s cool piece on local rock venue, The Machine Shop, with great pics by Mike Naddeo. Cheryl Dennison caught up with Rocky Roll of Rocky’s Great Outdoors to profile his unique business – a true Flint area institution. Another must-read is our story about Michigan School for the Deaf, an historical and important asset for Flint. And, we always have something for sports fans – check out Mark Spezia’s piece on Flint’s own WBC champion, Anthony Dirrell. Speaking of variety, did you know that Flint has a Shakespeare Club? I have several friends who are members and they recently celebrated the club’s 125th year. Very cool! And, only in MCM.
Thanks for reading – I hope you’re enjoying fall in My City!