National Pie Day is celebrated every year on January 23. Created by the American Pie Council in 1986, National Pie Day is a special day that is set aside to bake and cook all of your favorite pies. On this day, you are also encouraged to bake a few new pie recipes. And most importantly, it’s a day to eat pies!
A great way to celebrate National Pie Day is to bake some pies and give them away to friends, neighbors, and relatives. An even better way to celebrate National Pie Day is to visit your favorite bakery and enjoy a slice of your favorite pie. And, there are many bakeries to choose from in Genesee County. CRUST – A Baking Company in Fenton is well known for their scrumptious pies including favorites such as a decadent Caramel Apple Pie or the American Berry (blueberry, raspberry, black berry and cherry).
At King Arthur’s Pasties & Baked Goods, with locations in Flint and Grand Blanc, you will find a tempting assortment of pies, including banana cream, coconut cream, apple, cherry, custard, blueberry and much more!
What is America’s favorite pie? According, America’s favorite pie is (no surprise here) apple pie. The remaining top 10 America favorites include: pumpkin, chocolate creme, cherry, apple crumb, pecan, lemon meringue, blueberry, key lime pie and peach. Sweet potato pie is also a popular pie in the U.S as well.
It doesn’t matter if it is double crust, one crust, topped with crumble, meringue or whipped cream, pie brings delight to the young and old alike! And tomorrow is your day to enjoy it!