Don’t Miss the Chance to Learn About Alzheimer’s & Dementia


There is new one-hour program that explains basics of Alzheimer’s and dementia. The program will be held at Forest Township Senior Center in Otisville on Monday, Jan. 6, from 1- 2:30 pm.  The center is located at 130 E. Main St. A, Otisville.

In the United States alone, more than five million individuals are living with Alzheimer’s and 16 million are serving as their unpaid caregivers. The disease is a global crisis that impacts numerous families right here in our community. However, no one has to face this disease alone or without information.

The Alzheimer’s Association® has created this education program covering the basics of Alzheimer’s and dementia to provide a general overview for people who are facing a diagnosis as well as those who wish to be informed.

The free one-hour Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia program explores the relationship between Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The program will also examine what happens in a brain affected by Alzheimer’s and details the risk factors for, and three general stages of, the disease. The program also identifies FDA-approved treatments available to treat some symptoms and looks ahead to what’s on the horizon for Alzheimer’s research. The program offers helpful Alzheimer’s Association resources.

To learn more about the program or sign up, call 800.272.3900 or e-mail Jennifer Giddings-Essenmacher, the program coordinator. at to learn more or sign up. For more information visit:



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