7 Questions with… Shelly DayExecutive Director, Fenton & Linden Regional Chamber of Commerce


Shelly has worked with the Fenton Regional Chamber of Commerce for 30 years in a variety of roles – from receptionist to event planner, finances, membership and others. For the last decade, she has led the Chamber team as executive director. If you operate a business in the Fenton/Linden area, you’ve probably met Shelly! The Fenton native is a graduate of Lake Fenton High School and Baker College. Let’s find out a little bit more…

1. What was your very first job?

Besides babysitting, my first job was at Uncle Ray’s Dairyland in Fenton. It was such a great start into the real world of customer service. To this day, the Durant family creates such a positive experience, you can’t help but smile from the time you order your amazing ice cream until the very last bite!

2. What are your hobbies?

I enjoy golf in the summer, bowling in the winter and walking for exercise all year ‘round.

3. What makes you laugh the most?

My grandson Ryker always brings a smile to my face.  He is 2 ½ and has already developed such a funny, loveable personality.

4. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen?

Italy, for sure. My husband Rod and I have been on several trips with the Chamber, two in Italy. We visited the Tuscany region and the Amalfi Coast. There was so much beauty and history in both places, I can’t choose one. We hope to go back to Italy again soon – we have both said that if we didn’t have family here, we would move there.

5. What type of music are you into?

I listen to country in my car, but my husband and I love listening and dancing to the “oldies” in our basement. (I’m sure he won’t like that I shared that with everyone!)

6. How would your friends describe you?

I think they would say I am friendly, kind, confident, good-humored and dedicated to my family and community.

7. What is the best thing about your career?

It has been a great career to have while raising our family over the last three decades. My favorite thing is community involvement. Through my job, my children have experienced the opportunity and importance of volunteering and giving back to the place where we work, live and play.


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