Which car DOES stop first at a four-way stop? The general rule is that four-way stops always operate in a clockwise direction. The driver furthest to the right always has the right of way, and then cars take turns in a clockwise direction. If multiple cars approach a four-way stop at about the same time, the driver who comes to a complete stop first proceeds first. If two or more cars arrive at a four-way stop simultaneously, the driver furthest to the right always proceeds first, and each next driver in the clockwise direction follows. If four cars arrive at a four-way stop simultaneously, drivers going straight should proceed first. Sounds pretty simple, right? Well, I have a few rules that I found to be necessary when I encounter a four-way stop.
Rule No. 1: If the other driver is on his or her cell phone, ALWAYS let them go first! You may be taking your life into your own hands because they are not PAYING ATTENTION!
Rule No. 2: If the other driver is texting while stopped at a four-way, go ahead and proceed. It could be a long time before they remember they are sitting at a stop sign.
Rule No. 3: If the other driver is in a vehicle bigger than yours (and pretty much every vehicle is bigger than mine) ALWAYS let them go first, because they are going to, anyway. Clockwise, counter-clockwise, it doesn’t seem to matter. Then, there is the scenario in which two cars pull up to the stop sign at the same time. To be polite, you wave them on. And they shake their head, wave you on and say, “No, you go.” Do they really mean it? So you both sit and wait to see what the other is going to do. Then you both inch forward at the same time. And it starts all over again. Experience has taught me to just let them go ahead, no matter how long I have to wait.
So, here are some other matters of great importance. Don’t you hate it when you are sitting at a stoplight where you can turn right on red, and you’re just getting ready to turn when the driver behind you lays on the horn (and you know they are thinking, “Why don’t you turn, you idiot?”) Why is everyone in such a darn hurry these days? I used to always be in a hurry, working a full-time job, getting three kids to sporting events, grocery shopping, exercise class, the list goes on and on. But is it really going to get you somewhere that much faster if the car in front of you doesn’t turn at the exact moment you think they should?
I won’t mention the condition of the roads right now, with drivers having to weave from side to side to avoid all of the POTHOLES. And I’m definitely not bringing up roundabouts, except to say that they are so CONFUSING. Okay, let’s look on the bright side: the roads are free of snow and ice. I don’t have to scrape my car windows in the morning. Winter is gone and spring has sprung. The sun is shining and the days are longer and warmer. And as the saying goes, April showers bring May flowers … I can’t wait!