Starting April 26, contestants vied for the chance to be slimed with the authentic slime from the Nickelodeon hit show Double Dare. Whoever raised the most dollars for the Whaley Children’s Center would claim the prize. The contestants were: Angela Boyce, Amber Taylor, Sheriff Chris Swanson, Clay Church, Daniel Crannie, Fred Zerka, Matt Franklin, McKenzie Miller, Mari and Keilani Copeny, Shannon Easter White, Scott Sassack, and Terry Pickard. The winner who raised the most was Fred Zerka with a total of $8,132. Over the course of ten days, $23,087 was raised to help the children living at the Whaley Children’s Center. On Thursday, May 6, Fred Zerka was dunked in slime. Congratulations Fred!
Thank you to all who participated and donated.
Additional thanks to The Dunk Tank Company and Double Dare!