Of the many foods Michigan is known for, the Coney is one of the most unique. Every Coney Island restaurant menu centers on the Coney Island hot dog, which is a natural casing hot dog in a steamed bun dressed with chili, diced onions and yellow mustard. This item is usually referred to simply as a “Coney,” but two distinct varieties of the gastronomic treat exist, each possessing of a fiercely loyal following: the Detroit-style Coney, with its smoother, more liquid, chili-type sauce, and the Flint-style Coney, with its drier meat sauce topping. Diehard enthusiasts say that in order to be truly authentic, any Coney referred to as “Flint-style” must be made with a hotdog from Koegel’s, one of Flint’s oldest businesses. (Read more about Koegel Meats on p.14.)