Sunday, May 27
Great Lakes National Cemetery Memorial Day Ceremony
The Ceremony will take place at the Great Lakes National Cemetery (4200 Belford Rd, Holly). Thousands of veterans, families, friends and the general public are expected to attend the ceremony honoring deceased veterans interred at the Great Lakes National Cemetery. There will be patriotic music, the VFW State Honor Guard will present the colors and perform a rifle salute during the ceremony. Taps will also be played.
Monday May 28
Burton Memorial Day Celebration and 5K Run/Walk
The Burton Memorial 5K Run/Walk begins at Atherton High School at 8am. The parade, sponsored by the Burton Parks and Recreation Commission, begins at 2:05pm. At 3pm the Children’s Area opens. “Rodeo Drive” play begins at 3pm on the lawn at City Hall. The Memorial Ceremony begins at 6pm at Veteran’s Memorial Park. At 9:15pm there is a Candle Light Ceremony at Veteran’s Memorial Park. Fireworks Display begins at dusk.
Davison Memorial Day Ceremony
A Memorial Day Ceremony will take place at Davison City Hall at 11am.
Fenton Memorial Day Parade
The Fenton Memorial Day Parade begins at 10am in Downtown Fenton on LeRoy Street in honor of veterans and those fighting overseas.
Holly Memorial Day Parade
The Holly Memorial Day Parade will begin at 10am, commencing on the corner of S Saginaw and E Maple Streets. The Parade will head East on Maple Street then travel North on Park Avenue. Once reaching Lakeside Cemetery, a ceremony will take place.
Linden Memorial Day Parade and Community Picnic
Join the Linden VFW’s 70th annual Memorial Day Services including a parade a Community Picnic. Sign the Patriot Wall 9:30am. Parade and Services 10am from Downtown Linden to Fairview Cemetery. Following the parade, the City of Linden will host the annual community picnic of hot dogs, chips, pop, water and ice cream. There will be a concert at the Linden Gazebo featuring patriotic and pop/rock music.
Montrose Memorial Day Ceremony
A brief ceremony of remembrance will take place at the Vietnam War Memorial in Montrose, (at the corner of Ocean View and Honolulu Avenue) at 7:45am to honor those who have given their lives in military service to our country.