Dear Readers,
We’re excited to announce the winners of the 2023 City’s Choice Awards! There are many repeat winners – lots of loyal voters – and a few new appearances. Throughout this issue, you will notice many winners expressing their appreciation for this recognition. Thousands of votes poured in! See pages 10-12 for the list of Greater Flint’s Favorites.
So many of the businesses that always receive the most votes are restaurants; Greater Flint serves up some fantastic food! Maybe you’ll be inspired to check out one of the City’s Choice Award winners. Food has always been a popular topic in MCM, and this issue offers some food for thought with a summertime “Eats” focus. Everything tastes better when you eat outside, right?
Summer is all about food and fun, but we always make room to inform our readers about people doing good work to help others. Two such groups are highlighted this month: The National Federation for the Blind Flint-Genesee Chapter and the United Community Addiction Network. If you are able to give, both organizations can use your support.
We truly enjoy coming up with unique and interesting ideas for every issue. When the story about the beloved MSU mascot “Sparty” was pitched in our editorial meeting for July, I thought, “Okay, that’ll be fun” – even though I’m a dyed-in-the-wool Wolverines fan. I had no idea what a cool story it was!
It’s the season of cool things going on in our community – many have already taken place and many are upcoming. Our world is changing in so many ways; many of us take comfort in the constant things we can count on. Like the Flint Art Fair and other annual opportunities for us to attend great events that support local charities and institutions. And the community embraces nostalgic happenings like the Soap Box Derby and Back to the Bricks® car cruises starting this month … Of course, MCM will be there!
There’s much, much more in this issue, including our great contributed columns (a new one this month) and 12 pages of local happenings! As we celebrate America’s Independence Day, don’t forget to pause and be thankful for your freedom.
Thanks for reading, and God Bless America!