From the Publisher



Happy Spring!

I’m writing this letter on the first official day of spring – March 20th – but I’m thinking of the old adage, “March roars in like a lion…” and for us, it just might go out like Godzilla! We’re certainly all ready for warm weather to settle in for good. Of course, many people enjoyed a banner year for their businesses due to the wicked winter and to them I say good for you!

To welcome the season of re-birth, this issue includes our first Home & Garden section (pp. 46-85). We’re all thinking about how our lawns may have fared through the past few brutal months, maybe planning to move or sell our homes, even do some re-decorating. The H&G section has great input from many local experts and I know you’ll enjoy the layout.

Of course, we’ve got inspiring “My Arts” and “My Passion” features – subjects include an award-winning mezzo-soprano, a master ballet teacher, a local comic book creator and a crafter of custom guitars. As an entrepreneur and local businessman for several decades, I’m particularly intrigued when these features cross over into the “Made in Flint” realm. I’m proud to have this opportunity to shine a light on so many people right here in our area who exemplify the true entrepreneurial spirit.

The spirit of pride in higher education is definitely alive and well here in Flint, and the “Eds & Meds” concept is so important to our continued growth. This month’s “My Vision” piece brings you up to speed on the relocation of MSU’s College of Human Medicine Extension from Hurley Medical Center to Downtown. It’s another great thing for the city and surrounding communities!

The UM-Flint campus was the site of this month’s “My Faces” photo shoot. Stay tuned – your school could be next! I firmly believe that the city’s future depends on keeping our young people here by building on the momentum for change and positive energy that so many are working hard to create. We must show them that Flint’s resurgence will continue and in time, it will be an even better place to work, start a business and have a family.

Look for the start of another new My City series next month called “My Small Town.” I don’t think we’ve ever been more ready to get out and enjoy life and all the unique things our area has to offer.

Life in Downtown Flint is enjoyable for so many people – check out the “City Living” piece in the Home & Garden section. It’s great to see full-time city residents who are passionate about what Flint has to offer. Perhaps it simply takes the right person to seize opportunities that others overlook and create full and exciting lives for themselves.

While Team MCM enjoys bringing you stories about a multitude of fun and beautiful things each month, we also feel compelled to raise your consciousness of the not-so-pretty. This month, Whaley Children’s Center is participating in a nationwide child abuse awareness movement called “Paint Our Town Blue” – see pg. 92 for details. In their ongoing and tireless efforts to address these grim children’s issues, Whaley can certainly use the support of every Flint area citizen.

In closing, I want to sincerely thank our advertisers for their support. I’m hearing that their presence in this magazine has been a great investment for their businesses, and I commend them for helping My City fulfill its mission.

Thanks for reading,


Vince Lorraine, Publisher & Editor in Chief



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