There’s still time to sign up for the Fenton Polar Plunge hosted by Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Michigan this Saturday, Feb. 1, from 11am-3pm. The event, which is held at the Fenton Moose Lodge, 2245 Sonora Drive in Fenton Township, attracts hundreds of people every year. Shuttle service is provided from four area businesses: Fenton Winery & Brewery, Fenton Lanes, Miller Industries LLC and The Fireplace. You can register for the event by visiting
The statewide Polar Plunge series in which individuals raise $75 or more the chance to plunge into icy waters throughout in January-March in Michigan helps to support over 22,000 Special Olympics Michigan athletes who train and compare year-round.
According to Fenton Polar Plunge Facebook, they have already raised over $36,000 of the $80,000 goal! You can pre-register for the event at the Fenton Moose Lodge on Friday from 7-9pm. For more information, visit