Voices for Children Advocacy Center invites you to attend their Holiday Open House on Thursday, Dec. 12, from 5-8pm. Located near Downtown Flint, the Big Blue House is packed with history and ornate detail, including the fireplace where “T’was the Night Before Christmas” was written. Come and learn more about what Voices for Children Advocacy Center does, enjoy light refreshments, and share the warmth this holiday season. The Center is located at 515 East St., Flint.
About Voices for Children Advocacy Center
Voices for Children Advocacy Center is dedicated to serving the child victims and families of child abuse in Genesee County and enhancing the lives of all children through treatment, education and by increasing community awareness. The Center is dedicated to serving the victims and families of child abuse in and enhancing the lives of all children through treatment, education and advocacy.
The Center works in conjunction with many other entities such as law enforcement and the Department of Health and Human Services. The organization has a direct impact on society’s ability to prosecute and punish child abusers. Local law enforcement representatives say that the current system improves chances of conviction by at least 50 percent.
The Center saves children’s lives. Although the system continually tries to protect them, children do literally die of abuse and neglect. However, life for an abused child can be a fate almost worse than death. Children who are shuttled from one home to another, separated from parents and siblings, lost in the child welfare maze, do not become healthy, well-adjusted, well-educated and successful adults. Instead, they have a disturbingly high incidence of depression, suicide, unwanted pregnancy, unemployment, and welfare dependence. Ultimately, many of them repeat the cycle and abuse their own children because they have never known anything different.
The Center throws a monkey wrench into that cycle of abuse. Their caring and compassionate intervention can stabilize children long enough for them to begin healing. They can truly help victims of child abuse become children again. In the process, their support helps parents learn new patterns of behavior, and new ways to cope with the frustrations that are often a precursor to abuse.