African American Film Series


The highly-popular African American Film Series presented by Communities First begins tomorrow at the Flint Institute of Arts. At 5:30pm will be the first showing of “Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am”. The movie is an intimate look into the life of the legendary author, from her childhood through her later years. The film includes discussions of her acclaimed works including “Sula,” “Song of Solomon” and “The Bluest Eye.” Before the movie an opening reception will take place featuring great food and live entertainment by High Definition.

The next film in the series will show on December 5 – “Without a Net: The Digital Divide in America.” This documentary explores how technology can provide opportunities for children in the poorest school districts and help level the playing field. It provides solutions to close the technology gap for these students.

On January 9, a feature documentary, “A Ballerina’s Tale,” will be screened, detailing the rise of African American Ballerina, Misty Copeland. And, on February 13 Eddie Murphy stars in “Mr. Church.” In it, Murphy plays a cook who becomes a caretaker and father-figure to three generations of women.

Don’t miss this year’s African American Film Series presented by Communities First and the Flint Institute of Arts!


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