What’s the Point? What You Should Know About Acupuncture


A long time ago, in a land far, far away … no this does not lead into “Star Wars,” but the beginning is similar. The practice of acupuncture did begin thousands of years ago in China, which seems like a faraway land. It has stood the test of time, and has been found to provide lasting results in treating numerous conditions. Naturally, one may ask, “how is inserting a needle into the skin considered treatment?” Good question! Let’s get to the point on how acupuncture works.
What is Acupuncture?

This natural form of healing is performed by inserting tiny needles into the skin on specific points throughout the body. These points are located on the body along channels called meridians. Energy or Qi (“chee”) moves throughout the body via these meridians. For example, think of the meridians as a highway and energy as a traveler. If there is a blockage, i.e. an accident, the traveler cannot get to his or her destination. To “remove” the blockage, acupuncture needles are inserted along these meridian pathways to free-up the energy to nourish the body.

In order for your body to thrive and be healthy, your energy must be balanced. When it is not, disease can manifest. The yin-yang symbol is the perfect depiction of balance. The symmetrical black and white circles engulfed in each other represents the concept that everything has an opposite to maintain balance. A few simple examples include hot and cold, day and night, and winter and summer. Your body is the same, in that it needs balance or else you may experience symptoms such as diarrhea/constipation, insomnia/somnolence, sweating/dryness, etc. Bodies can transition quickly depending on the environment. Think of how different you feel on Monday morning going to work compared to Friday afternoon, or the difference in yourself mid-July compared to mid-December. Your body’s balance can change in so many different ways, and acupuncture works to achieve and maintain a balanced state.

What does it feel like?

The insertion of the acupuncture needles is said to feel similar to a mosquito bite, if it’s even felt at all. The needles are about the size of a human eyelash compared to the typical hypodermic needles that people are accustomed to. After treatment, patients usually feel relaxed, rejuvenated and able to think clearly. All these benefits are achieved without medications or their side effects.

What does Acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) as effective in treating conditions such as but not limited to:

  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Digestive Issues
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Low Back Pain
  • Menopause
  • Migraines
  • Pain
  • PMS
  • PTSD
  • Reproductive Problems
  • Sleep Disturbances

Acupuncture continues to be a resilient, natural form of healing. It is becoming more main-stream in our culture by gaining recognition from the NIH and WHO. Now that the point has been made about acupuncture, give it a try and live a balanced, disease-free life!



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