Spring Into a Fresh Fitness Routine!


“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This age-old quote addresses the daily need for fiber-rich foods to keep our colons healthy and get things moving!

With warmer weather finally here, Michiganders are focused on getting beach-body ready; but after spring vacation, they tend to fall out of their routine and lose focus. Don’t forget your reason and your goals for exercise and eating healthy! Here are five key steps to keep you motivated and help you stay on track when you get spring fever.
Write down your “what” and “why” – this will keep you focused. For example: I want to feel energized, fit and healthy so I can play with my grandkids and show them how to throw a Frisbee, play softball or ride a bike.

Share your “what” and “why” with a support team – personal trainer, husband, wife, sister, best friend, workout buddy. They will help you stay on track on those days when you want to give up easily or get discouraged.

Make short, attainable goals. Here are some examples:

Daily Goal: Drink more water (half of your bodyweight in ounces); walk for 30 minutes; eat three servings of vegetables and two fruits each day.

Weekly Goal: No fast food or soda; get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Try writing a scheduled time for physical activity every day or set phone reminders and write down what you’ll do for activity. Example: 7:30-8am: Walk at a moderate pace; 5:30-6pm: Do an at-home Pilates video.

Monthly Goal: Fit into a smaller pant size; lose 5lbs; build up to using heavier weight on the leg press or chest press machine; sign up for a 5K or a Sprint Triathlon.

Keep it fun! It’s a fact that we tend to commit to activities we enjoy, so find something you can’t wait to do, rather than something you dread doing every day. Try a new, fun physical activity such as roller-blading, rock-climbing, water Zumba, kick-boxing, boot camp, swimming or yoga.

Reward yourself for accomplishments! When you meet a goal, buy something that will help you reach the next goal, such as a new pair of exercise shoes, a bicycle, new headphones, a Bosu ball for fun, at-home workouts, or a new water bottle.

Now that you’ve thought about your own goals and reasons for staying in a healthy routine, write down each step and fill in your own “what’s important to me and why.”

When you are brainstorming your goals, always think positively! A positive mind leads to positive action, which leads to positive habits, and positive results! Don’t leave room for negativity, excuses, or putting yourself down. These excuses will only hold you back and keep you from what you really desire. Also remember that the only person who can accomplish your goals is you; no one else can do it for you, so be determined to give yourself what you desire and deserve.


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