My City Wellness – Fall 2016


Dear Readers,

It seems fitting to begin Volume 2 of My City Wellness in the fall – the fall’s health awareness months highlight several issues, which gives us plenty to write about. While these health topics are well-publicized, our coverage includes the local angle that our readers respond to.

September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. In our comprehensive look at “The Big 3” health issues in Genesee County, obesity and problems associated with it are profiled. They include diabetes, which is observed nationally in November and also featured in that article. And, the County’s “Big 3” health issues include heart disease – lots of great info from local health professionals in this article.

Of course, October highlights breast cancer awareness; take a look at the info in this issue about local healthcare providers and the resources available. And, be sure to support the local efforts to fund research. The Greater Flint community is always very generous.

Every issue of Wellness is created with thoughtfulness; we have assumed a responsibility to provide a valuable publication that goes beyond surface fluff. Like our local human interest features: did you see that beautiful face? Alli Jablonski is a young girl living her life with diabetes. We all love a story that brings us up close to someone with the realness that only good writing can offer, and nobody does it like My City.

This issue has four features about the senior population, which is rapidly growing. Check out the data on Flint senior housing facilities. And, we’re happy to have an article written by Dr. Walter Barkey about his extensive Flint Rash Investigation that concluded just a couple of months ago. The spotlight on Flint’s water issues has been focused on other aspects; Dr. Barkey led this investigation into a specific health concern, which inspired volunteer involvement by other local physicians. His findings are very interesting.

One of the most interesting things I’ve ever done has been observing the surgeries we’ve featured in Wellness. For this issue, my friend, Dr. Bobby Mukkamala, invited us “Inside the O.R.” at Hurley to observe several procedures. I want to thank Hurley for giving me and my photographer such access. I’m sure they do so because they understand the value of MC Wellness to the community. We have much more in store for this exclusive series about local health professionals – another first for our publication!

My City Wellness is a quarterly publication that is very demanding on my dedicated team; we do it because nothing is more important than our health.

Thanks for reading and be well,

vince3 Vince Lorraine, Publisher & Editor in Chief

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