Are You a Crim Expert?12 Facts About the Crim Road Race to Wow the Crowd.

  1. Bobby Crim started the race in 1977 as a fundraiser for the special Olympics.
  2. The first women’s winner of the 10-mile race is Kim Merritt (USA) with a time of 58:41.
  3. The first men’s winner of the 10-mile race is Steve Kenyon (GBR) with a time of 50:05.
  4. The course record for men is 45:43, set by Joseph Kamau (KEN) in 1996.
  5. The course record for women is 51:47, set by Cathy O’Brien (USA) in 1989.
  6. The Crim has hosted the U.S. National Championship race twice, 2009 and 2010.
  7. Julius Kiprotich Kogo (KEN) has won the race seven times since 2011 and holds the record for men for most wins.
  8. Catherine Ndereba (KEN) holds the record for most wins by a woman at five.
  9. In 1988, the course ended 10-meters short of the full ten miles.
  10. The Crim Road race was broadcast live on WFUM TV28 from 1980 – 2007.
  11. The Bradley Hills are notorious throughout the country as one of the toughest stretches in any road race.
  12. Crowds along the race route are known nationally to provide the strangest things to runners as they stride by. Runners have reported receiving donuts, coffee, cheese, chocolate and beer!

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