Observing Law Day


On May 1 of each year, the United States celebrates Law Day. The idea first emerged in 1957 from the American Bar Association. In 1958, Dwight D. Eisenhower decided to observe Law Day on May 1, and by 1961 it became Public Law 87-20.

Law Day is meant to reflect on the role of law in the foundation of our nation and to recognize its importance for society; and it is intended for Americans to focus on every citizen’s rights as laid out in the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution.

The American Bar Association defines Law Day: “A national day set aside to celebrate the rule of law. Law Day underscores how law and the legal process have contributed to the freedoms that all Americans share.”

Each year, The American Bar Association chooses a theme to highlight an important issue relating to the law or our legal system. For 2016, the theme is “Miranda: More than Words.” This year is the 50th anniversary of one of America’s best-known U.S. Supreme Court cases, Miranda v. Arizona. This year’s theme explores the procedural protections afforded to all Americans by the U.S. Constitution, how these rights are safeguarded by the courts, and why preserving these principles is essential to our liberty.
Source: AmericanBarAssociation.org


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