My City Speaks


mycityspeaks [twocol_one]”A great job by all! A first class publication – great writers & photography. Myron did an article for our club – suitable for framing!”
Greg Shell, Flint Theatre Organ Club

“I was in the lobby of my attorney’s office when I saw a very good-looking magazine cover … thought it was a national or perhaps from Detroit. I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was about my city, Flint! So upscale and classy. Peter C’s piece brought back many memories.”
Jim Jozwiak

“The article about the Food Bank is fabulous – thank you for the knowledge! I look forward to the magazine all the time, and have sent it on to friends in Colorado! Keep it up – this is what makes Flint awesome!”
Jamie Ford
[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]“Oh, my gosh, I was floored by the Food Bank story! So engaging! Vince, it is an honor to be your friend, I couldn’t be more proud of how you are changing the face of Flint with this delicious magazine! It will be the one thing in the mailbox I will squeal over when it arrives! Thank you all, you make our community so much brighter! God bless you all!”
Barbara Bye

“Thank you for the opportunity to share my story. Jessi is a phenomenal writer. I’ve received nothing but praise; she was able to capture the essence of Grace and Charm in such a way that allowed me to be transparent and at the same time maintain my self-respect and pride.”
Walethia Aquil

“I love this magazine … I enjoy reading it when I get the chance.”
Debbie Davis Seib


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