We Resolve …






resolutions-2“I resolve to see more movies in bargain matinees (to save money) and give more “smaller” titles a chance.”

Ed Bradley
Author/My City Contributing Writer


resolutions-4“I have it narrowed it down to three: Expand my comfort zone; listen more attentively; get more fit.”

Lisa Briggs
My City Contributing Writer


resolutions-3“I resolve to make the time to work on a book I am writing about my father and his experiences as a turret gunner during World War II.”

Cheryl Dennison
My City Staff Writer


resolutions-6“I resolve to grow my photography business, spend more time in nature hiking and camping, and practice and write more music.”

Eric Dutro
My City Photographer/Photo Editor


resolutions-10“I resolve to have more patience and be a better listener in 2017.”

Chris Everson
General Manager, Downtown
Development Authority


resolutions-13“My New Year’s resolution is to not be taken advantage of in relationships!”

Greg Fiedler
Greater Flint Arts Council

resolutions-7“Validate people in my life more. It’s easy to take the important people in your life for granted, especially if you see them every day. I want to take more time in letting them know how important they are to me and showing gratitude for those surrounding me who have big hearts.”

Kathleen Gazall
Manager, Gazall Lewis Architects


resolutions-1“Peace on earth and let no child be forgotten.”

Chris Hamilton
Executive Director, Old Newsboys

resolutions-8“My resolution is to try to have a little more patience.”

Al Hatch
Founder, Back to the Bricks

resolutions-5“My New Year’s resolution is to wean myself off my smart phone and be ‘present’ with people instead of checking my Facebook, e-mail, tweets and assorted other nonsense.”

Andy Heller
Author/My City Contributor

resolutions-9“Our New Year’s resolution is to be grateful every day for each other, our family and friends.”

Janice and John Henry

resolutions-14“Embrace the kid in me. Be more present and in the moment, dance in the rain, look with new eyes – run with scissors.”

Rodney Lontine
President/CEO, Flint Institute of Music

resolutions-11“I resolve to learn and try more recipes.”

Allison Rosbury
My City Assistant Editor/Staff Writer


resolutions-12“We don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions in the traditional sense. We take time to refocus on our overall life goals and develop a plan to make progress in the things that are important to us such as faith, relationships, work, giving and fun.”

Glenn and Essence Wilson
Founders, Communities First, Inc.


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