The Fashionable Mom


As the mother of two toddlers, let me start by saying that I totally get why many moms want to wear yoga pants and T-shirts daily. However, Mom, this can’t be your whole life. You know that moment when you get to walk out of the house with no kids having taken more than two minutes to do your hair and make-up? What if I told you that it’s possible to keep this up on a daily basis without being late to every appointment? It is!

There are many moms who find the time to “get cute,” while so many others struggle to get dressed every day. If you are a mom who struggles, I want you to know that you’re not alone. I am here to help you achieve a more fashionable momlife!

Let’s begin by setting the foundation for being a fashionable mom: you must make time for yourself. I know you hear this often, but why aren’t you doing it? Schedule time for you to be not only “Mom,” but also, be YOU. It could be five minutes or five hours; schedule the time and put it in your planner.

You may ask yourself, “who am I besides a mom?” This brings me to my second point. Remember, you are more than a mom. You have dreams and aspirations! Kids enhance your journey toward reaching those goals.

Thirdly, you must change your perspective of how your children have changed your life. For example, don’t say, “I don’t have the time for that because I’m the mother of (insert number) children.” Instead, say, “I’m a busy mom, so I only have (insert time) to make it happen.” Do you see how the change of perspective can help you to see things differently?


(L-R) Raena Graham, Courtney Eastman, Lisa Anthony, Shawn Moffett, Kyona McGhee & Dawn Jones

Now that we have set the foundation, how can you take the time you have and become whatever “fashionable” is to you? Here are five tips to becoming the fashionable mom you want to be:

  1. Get a bra that fits properly. Pregnancy takes our bodies through so many changes! You may be a different size than you were before – bigger or smaller, embrace it by knowing your correct size. Department stores do bra-fitting for free.
  2. Love the body you have NOW. There is no need to wait until you lose or gain weight to love your body. The time is now! Buy clothes that fit your current body, and if you need to buy new things later, sell the others at a local consignment shop.
  3. Get a mani/pedi. It’s amazing how the small things can make you feel so much better. Take a little time for pampering, because most busy moms are overworking their hands and feet.
  4.  Build a staple wardrobe of classic pieces. Always have these five staple pieces in your closet: white T-shirt, blazer, pair of jeans, a black dress and a black skirt. You can pair these with so many trendy pieces and accessories to easily create a fashionable look.
  5. Find your MF (Mom-Friend). Let’s face it, we can’t do this alone! Find a mom community, either on-line or in your area, that can offer you support. No one understands your woes like another busy mom does. This will help you be less hard on yourself and embrace your “mom moments!” I suggest

I want to salute you and all the fashionable moms you see on this page. And just in case no one has told you lately, you’re doing a great job and you are beautiful.

Happy Mother’s Day!

“It’s important to feel good about yourself as a mom.”
Courtney Eastman

Photography by Jennifer Hodney


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