Overcoming Addictions … You Can Do It!


Individuals with an addiction often lose control over what they are taking, using or doing. Without help in the early stages, an addiction can turn into a debilitating and life-threatening condition.

No matter what the addiction is – substance or behavioral – it
is critical to recognize the warning signs and seek help and support before the addiction gets out of control.
Some warning signs of addiction include:

  • You cannot stop your behavior. Attempts to do so are unsuccessful.
  • You experience withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit. These can include anger,
    resentment, poor focus, depression or moodiness.
  • You give up activities you previously enjoyed and replace them with your addictive behavior.
  • You choose to spend your money on your addiction instead of meeting your financial responsibilities.
  • You spend more and more time focusing on your addiction.
  • You begin having problems in your personal relationships.
  • Your family or friends express concern about your changing behavior.

In many cases, those suffering from an addiction are trying to deal with other problems in their life and seek out the addiction as a coping mechanism. Admitting you have a problem is a positive first step to overcoming an addiction. Asking for help is the next step, and one of the most difficult ones.

A great starting point is your family physician who is in charge of your health and knows you and your medical history well. He/she can offer advice, support and resources to help you overcome your addiction before it becomes unmanageable.

And remember to take care of yourself to help avoid falling into an addictive lifestyle. Get plenty of sleep, eat a healthy diet, and exercise. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we will look for something to make us feel better, and those choices may lead us in the wrong direction. Also remember to rely on your support system to help you cope with problems. Stay connected to your natural support system, such as friends, family or co-workers.

First and foremost, when facing any type of addiction, remember there are plenty of resources available in your community that can offer treatment and support.
No matter what the addiction is, it is critical to recognize the warning signs and seek help and support before the addiction gets out of control.


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