Are You Flint Experienced?


I can’t help but feel like we Flintstones have something special. Those outside of Genesee County just don’t know what they are missing. Sure, our fair city has had a hiccup here and there – what city hasn’t? But its positives far outweigh the negatives and the gap is growing. We have our own highway (I-475), a world-changing history, great (and affordable) colleges, a fantastic park system, festivals, a community that supports one another (counter that, New York), a fantastic art scene, great music, etc. With all of the things that Flint has to offer, have you taken advantage of it (Pre-COVID, of course)?

My City Magazine has come up with a short list of 25 Flint experiences (there are many more) that every citizen should have at least once. How many boxes can you check? Add them up for your score.

1. Volunteered or participated in The Crim Festival of Races?
Did you run it? Walk it? Sign up runners? Hand out water … er…beer?

2. Participated in Back to the Bricks?
Do you have a classic car or take your kids to see them?

3. Attended a Firebirds game?
Say “hi” to Hot Wing for me.

4. Attended a Flint City Bucks game?
Only one season so far … but what a season! Give yourself a bonus point if you were on the field after the championship game.

5. Rocked out at the Machine Shop?
Is there a better rock venue?

6. Hung out at the Local 432?
Give yourself a point for each location you have been present.

7. Lost yourself in the jazz at the Golden Leaf Club?
It’s the smoothest groove in Michigan.

8. Enjoyed a Flint-style coney?
This one is mandatory. Deduct a point if you favor “Detroit” style.

9. Played ‘ball at Berston Field House?
Always top competition. Give a half-a-point if you were a spectator.

10. Ice skated at the Downtown rink?
It’s free, you know.

11. Have a Flint Library card?
I can’t wait for the renovation, can you?

12. Attended a show at The Rep?
A great theatre pushing the boundaries of the form. Add a bonus point if you attended the Flint Youth Theatre.

13. Spent an evening at The Whiting?
It really is a hidden gem.

14. Enjoyed the Capitol Theatre?
Now or prior to renovation, doesn’t matter as long as you were there.

15. Own Flint brand clothing (Goodboy, Bedrock Apparel, etc.)?
Wear it proudly.

16. Own art from Art at the Market?
Some seriously cool stuff there.

17. Attended the Flint Juneteenth Celebration?
Now a Flint holiday. Excellent.

18. Danced at Drop Fest?
The best free electronic music festival in the state.

19. Mingled at Alley Fest?
Great bands, great people, great food, need I say more?

20. Mind blown at a Planetarium light show?
Anyone up for some laser Floyd? Queen?

21. Played at the Children’s Museum?
It never gets old and neither do we.

22. Learned at the Sloan Museum?
Dinosaurs! RAWWRR-ER, yeah.

23. Wandered Through Flint Institute of Arts?
You had me at tapestries.

24. Rode or walked the Flint River Trail?
It keeps going … and going … and going.

25. Cheered at a Flint Monarch’s Basketball Game?
Do I hear another championship coming?

Bonus Points:

1. Attended a Flint Generals Game?
Always a wild fight … um, night.

2. Been to AutoWorld?
Well … the big engine was neat.

3. Shopped or ate at Windmill Place?
It was cool, then it wasn’t.

4. Ran amok at Pennywhistle Place?
Did this place really exist?

5. Attended a concert at the original I.M.A.?
It’s old school cool.

Bet you didn’t think there was so much to do here, did you? I’m going to let you in on a secret – our list was more than 50 in the beginning (and we never expanded to the rest of the county)! See, told you we have something special.

Add up your score and let’s see if you are “Flint Experienced?”

  • 1-10: The Newcomer – You’ve got some work to do.
  • 11-20: The Ordinary – Step out of your comfort zone and live a little, man.
  • 21-30: The Experienced – You know what it’s all about!
  • Over 30: Flint Royalty – We bow to you, O’ Great One.

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